Tony Luck Pacifies in "Antagonize" Depth and defiance converge in Tony Luck's new track "Antagonize." A spoken exploration of the current state of society, Luck's latest tune carpet-bombs listeners with truth set to a lapsing beat. "...Wake up from this hypnosis..." Take a ride. Just recline... And drive far away. You want to leave, but here you are, on your back. Speakers are your psychiatrists; time your therapist. One thousand troubling thoughts revolve inside, yet none are your own. "If you get angry, they win..." Mixtape wonder set in step with a slew of modern concerns; "Antagonize" is spiritual as gregorian chant and appraochable as asphalt. It's throwback rap over records; spit over spindles... High roads, mental/physical freedom and other such spiritual sundry abound as Tony weaves word webs in and around the track. The melody belying the beat...