Woken by Wolf Alice's "Don't Delete the Kisses"



Quiet, tentative and telling, this tune grows like low-key love on listeners.

It's adorable, in a drunken, understated kind of way.

What if it's not meant for me? love...

Minimalist in style, "Don't Delete the Kisses" delves into every musician's favorite topic with singular style. We're treated to lovesick meandering spoken word verses punctuated by dreamy, warbling choruses.


All this, stretched over sharp, near-staccato rhythm guitar and the soft pattering of restrained drums. It's nice. It's sweet. Don't press delete.

Me and you were meant to be in love...

As I mentioned before, it grows on you.

The youthful honesty of the lyrics elevates it, separates it from other similar tracks.

I'll keep the kisses... And the song.



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Originally posted here: https://www.oddnugget.com/woken-by-wolf-alices-dont-delete-the-kisses/


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