Picked Apart by A Perfect Circle's "The Package"



A Perfect Circle give us what we came for in their classic composition "The Package."

Dark, tribal and ferociously forceful, this one's a doozy.

Clever got me this far...

A Perfect Circle produce polarizing music. You either like their stuff or you don't. You just might like this.


Bold and bizarre, the beat comes in and leads the way through a labyrinthine landscape of tones. Maynard howls like the moon is waxing full; confesses his misdoings matter-of-factly.

Tricky got me in

This song morphs into a gale of fury in an instant; the singer's sins exorcised in an emotive fit.

Demons take flight across a bright night sky. We're in head-banging territory.

The anger dies down and we recede into darkness. Back where we began...

Listen and enjoy!


Go HD in 3D with the Boom 3D Audio Enhancer!

Originally posted here: https://www.oddnugget.com/picked-apart-perfect-circles-package/


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