The Art of Guy Aitchison


Guy Aitchison began his artistic career in the field of painting - apprenticing at the Jacklich Corporation when he was only 17.

“Painting is a means of self-enlightenment.” - John Olsen

It wasn't long, however, before he made a move over to tattoo art and has since cultivated his own unique and gorgeous style. He creates psychedelic landscapes and surreal environs in his imagery - blending the pale hues of a pastel palette with notable skill.

His designs have decorated the album covers of a number of artists under the Shrapnel Records label as well as the actual skin of myriad tattoo clients.

“Art is the only way to run away without leaving home.” - Twyla Tharp

After closing his own tattoo studio, he set about producing more painted works from his rural home.

Take a look at his art below!

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Read our article on Scott Uminga's art...

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